

本系特色 Introduction

Ever since our establishment, our curriculum has been planned by drawing experts from not only academic but also industrial sectors, aiming to provide graduates with solid background in not only language knowledge and skills but also the capabilities to applying them with a high level of computer literacy to get started on their career. In additional to skills in language proficiency, we offer tracks in language teaching and international business communications for choice.         
Our curriculum features practical courses in training 4 skills in languages and theoretical ones in introducing linguistics, theories in language acquisition as well as business courses such as business communications. For the teaching tracks, courses in language teaching methodology and theories are offered, and are followed up by practicing teaching through off-campus internship to teach English to kids at elementary school level. For the business track, practical courses such as skills in communication, business negotiation, practice in international trade, and MICE courses are offered. To meet the global economy and international communications’ need, students are required to pick up a second foreign language for at least two years in languages such as Japanese or Spanish. To broaden the vision of our students and practice what has been learned, we offer exchange programs to abroad institute for study and internship. We have exchange programs to countries that include UK, Australia, Korea and Japan; students are sent to Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan for internship.



1.      語言訓練:英語聽講、英語會話、英文寫作、語言學概論、中英翻譯、演講與辯論等。

2.      英語教學模組:英語教學理論、英語教學實務、網路資訊與英語教學、溝通式教學等。

3.      國際商務溝通模組:溝通技巧、商務談判、國際貿易實務、國際會議策辦、商品展覽暨導覽、會議英文與演練等。

4.      第二外語:除了必備的基礎語言學與文學理論以外,本系注重語文實務。目前國內最常接觸到的語言是英文和日文,因此系上所開授的語言以英文為主,日文與 西班牙文為輔。

5.      產學特色:專業課程與相關產業交流互動、緊密聯繫,透過產學雙師、服務學習、專業實務講座以及專業實習等規劃訓練,與英語教學、專業外語服務、國際商務溝通、國際觀光事業等產業簽約合作,課程規劃雙語、專業、證照方向明確,學生畢業後與職場無縫接軌。

6.      海外實習:新加坡、日本、馬來西亞

7.      菁英學生國際交流:英國、澳洲、韓國

系上的專業科目 / 項目目前包括英語教學、商務溝通兩大模組。
AED provide different tracks for students to develop skills to fit their interests and need to meet their career plan. The tracks offered are: English Teaching Track, International Track and English Service for Specific Purposes Track.


「英語教學」模組 English Teaching Track

To develop professionals in English Teaching to meet Taiwan’s need to educate young generations with functional English proficiency for their educational and career need, AED, work together with Chaoyang’s Teacher Education Center by offering courses in theory and practice of English/Second language learning. Students in this track may work their way to a national certified teacher in English at preschool and/or secondary education level if they join the program provided by Chaoyang’s Teacher Education Center. Courses in this track include: Introduction to Linguistics, Language Acquisition, English Pronunciation, Language and Culture, English Phonetics, Theory in English Teaching, Practice in English Teaching, Child Language and Psychology, Seminar in English Teaching, Internet and English Teaching, inter alia.




「國際商務」模組 International Business Track

This track offers students with interests to build essential skills in international business in the global economic context. Other than courses in English proficiency, we offer courses for students to prepare them to work in cross cultural communications context. The skills in language as well as computer literacy and background knowledge in international business operation will make them competent and comfortable in the workplace from day 1 in their career. The courses offered include, but does not limit to (Students are encouraged to take courses offered by Chaoyang’s College of Business Management.), Economics, Business English Translation, Business Letter, Reading in Business English, Writing in Business English, Negotiation, International Finance, Journal English and Translation, Business Psychology, English in Finance, English Debate, Practice in International Trade, Practice in Secretary, Skills in Communication, Conference English and Practice, Seminar in Business Practice, etc.

