

Welcome Welcome to the Department of Applied English of Chaoyang University of Technology, the first department of its kind to be established as a higher educational institute in vocational education in Taiwan. We offer solid theoretical and practical courses in applying language skills to meet various workplace demands in both graduate and undergraduate programs. We are a department determined in achieving excellence. Join DAE if you share our determination in achieving excellence. The mission of the Department is to cultivate students in order for them to gain high level foreign language skills to meet the needs of international information and communication in the global economy. Graduates are expected to be skilled professionals who respect work ethics, retain a strategic global vision, and recognize the importance of lifelong learning to overcome challenges in order to excel in their careers. We aim at cultivating the graduates for the following competency: For Undergraduate: 1. High-level proficiency in English listening, speaking, reading and writing 2. Basic proficiency in second foreign language(s)(Japanese, Spanish, etc.) 3. Solid background knowledge in theory and practice of applied English 4. Professional skills in cross-cultural communication, corporate coordination, and cooperation through teamwork 5. Modern computer literacy and skills in presentation in foreign language(s) 6. Capability in cultural creativity and critical thinking For Graduate Students: 1. Capability in research, analysis, and problem-solving 2. Capability in theorizing and empirical application of theories 3. Capability in cross-cultural communication, corporate coordination, and cooperation through teamwork 4. Capability in advanced research and creative application of theories.

本系之成立,是有鑑於國際資訊已經成為不可或缺的資源,從新科技的引進到外貿實務,外語是取得國際資訊的主要工具。當前臺灣雖然不乏基層外語職員,但能夠處理高層外語實務的人才嚴重缺乏。日後成立亞洲營運中心時,專業外語人才勢必更缺乏。因此,應用英語系的首要任務是培養高等外語人員,使國家能夠順利邁入21世紀。   本系旨在培養具國際觀與時代觀的高等專業外語人才。資訊科技的快速發展,使得資訊的快速取得、溝通、和整合,以及高新科技的引進與外貿商務談判更為迫切需要。因應此種趨勢,本系在一般外語養成訓練和人文素養教育的課程之外,特別規劃多種必修專業課程,以期加強學生外語能力以外的其他專業,奠定日後實務運用的基礎。