學術交流 Academic Events/Visiting Scholars
英語教學與知識轉型國際學術研討會 English Teaching and Knowledge Transformation International Academic Conference
Three famous international scholars will be invited from our sister universities in Japan, Australia, and Germany in this International Academic Conference. A lot of chairpersons of excellent department of foreign languages from elite Universities of Technology in Taiwan are going to participate in our general discussion of all topics. By sharing teaching experiences and academic researches, a thorough discussion of incorporating topics like knowledge transformation and poly-technological English-learning environment will be concentrated on with a view to upgrading students' English proficiency.
中加英語教學與知識建構學術研討會 Chinese-Canadian English Teaching and Knowledge Construction International Academic Conference
In order to broaden mutual academic cooperation among international institutions, This International Conference invites famous scholars from Canada to express perspectives on English teaching and knowledge construction in the hope to achieve teaching goals of knowledge communication and to meet the needs of 21th-century society.
第二十一屆中華民國英語文教國際研討會 Multicultural Education and Multilingual Learning and Teaching
此研討會乃接續傳承中華民國英語文教學的年度盛會,主題為「英語文教學在台灣 – 跨時代的英語文師資」,子議題涵蓋「語言、文學與文化」、「語言教學策略與風格」、「多媒體與網路英語教學」、「語言測驗與評量」等英語教學相關領域,由學者專家發表英語教學理論與實務研究心得。並有專題演講與綜合座談,討論分享英語教學新知與經驗。
This conference intends to celebrate the festival of English teaching in R.O.C. Taiwan, and the topic is "English Teaching in Taiwan: English Teachers in Trans-Generation Period. Sub-topics include Languages, Cultures, and Literature; Language Teaching Strategies and Styles; Multi-Media and Internet English Teaching; Languages Test and Evaluation. A lot of scholars will be invited to express their theories and practices in English teaching and at the end of lectures there will be a panel discussion to share mutual new knowledge and experiences.  
跨文化溝通與外語教學國際學術研討會 Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference of Cross-Cultural Communication and Language Teaching
To intensify the academic communications among all countries, we hold this international conference to upgrade domestic and overseas researches on trans-cultural communication and foreign language teaching.
 英語教學學術研討會: 擴展英語教學與跨文化溝通新視野 ELT Conference Broadening the Vision of ELT and Cross Cultural Communication
Conference Topics: Literature, Culture, and Languages; Cultural Courses and Foreign Languages Acquisition; Languages Teaching And Courses Designing; Professional and Applied English Courses; International Trade Languages.  
英語教學國際學術研討會:多元文化教育與多語教學 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on English Teaching and Learning in the R.O.C
Conference Topics: Language Teaching (Courses Designing/English Teaching/Class Management/ Computer-Assistance Teaching); Language Education (Motives/Proficiency/Teachers Training/Poly-Cultural Discussion); Professional English and Applied Courses. Linguistics (Multi-Language Research); Literature. 

Elite students are those dedicated to  fulfilling not only academic performances but also extracurricular as well as career-oriented achievements in our department.
In order to cultivate outstanding as well as well-behaved college students with international outlook, our university has offered elite scholarship to those excellent students since 2000. After choosing those students, we give them a series of trainings, such as foreign languages, oral representation, international etiquette, and multi-cultural courses. Then they will have an opportunity to travel abroad for one month with a view to equipping them with the ability to help our university invite visitors, scholars, and students from overseas countries. This will benefit our international and cultural communication. 
