

研究所相關 Graduate school


Please complete each of the following forms to submit your thesis dissertation (Please use the electronic copy of each and every application form and type all the required fields) 

   Advisor application

   論文指導教授提報單 (word)(ODF) Thesis advisor declaration form

 外系指導教授基本資料表 (word)(ODF) Information about advisor from another department

 更換指導教授申請表 (word)(ODF) Changing advisor application form

2.[6篇心得報告] (108學年度以後入學者為5篇)
   Reports of attending 6 different and related conferences / seminars

 研究生參加研討會/Seminar心得報告表 (word)(ODF)
   Reports form of attending 5 conferences/ seminars

3.[論文題目(含摘要)審查申請書] (最遲每學期開學後1個月內提出申請)
Application Form: Thesis Proposal Title and Abstract (
within 1 month after semester starts)

   論文題目(含摘要)審查申請表 (word)(ODF)

   Application Form: Thesis Proposal Title and Abstract

4.[論文計畫書審查申請] Proposal defense application

 論文計畫書審查申請表 (word)(ODF) Proposal defense application form

 6場心得報告表 Reports form of attending 6 conferences/ seminars (108學年度以後入學者為5篇)

 計劃書(至少20頁需膠裝) Proposal (of at least 20 pages with a bound copy)


※ 論文格式特別提醒事項  請到「教務處/註冊組/申請表格/碩博士班」下載最新版
   Thesis format reminders : "the Dean's Office/registration/application form for master's/doctoral class" to download the latest version

   AE Thesis Format and Examples
   Mater / PhD thesis format standard: "the Dean's Office/registration/application form for master's/doctoral class" to download the latest version

   After submitting your proposal defense application, the date, time and place will be arranged by department office

 Seminar時間表 (word)(ODF)(請於確定Seminar時間後回傳系辦)

   Seminar schedule (please sent to office after you make sure the date of seminar)

 繳交Seminar PPT 給系辦 Deliver your seminar PPT to office.  

6.[論文計畫書審查] Proposal defense

 論文計畫書注意事項/確認回條 (word)(ODF)(請於舉行審查至少1週前回覆)

   Proposal defense notes / confirmation (Please submit at least 1 week before the defense)

 論文計畫書意見表(評分表) (word)(ODF)論文計畫書意見表(結果表) (word)(ODF) Thesis proposal form (scorecard)

 論文計畫書審查公告 (word)(ODF)(請於舉行審查至少1週前印出至系辦蓋章後自行張貼)
   Thesis proposal examination announcement (Please post it at least 1 week prior to your proposal)

 論文計畫書校外口委收據 (word)(ODF)
   Proposal defense reception of off-campus committee member
   活動預留車位標示申請單 (word)(ODF)
7.[學位考試 Final申請] Degree examination application

 學位考試申請書 (word)(ODF):(請勿手寫)請到「教務處/註冊組/申請表格/碩博士班」下載最新版  
   Application for degree examinations: (not handwritten), "the Dean's Office/registration/application form for master's/doctoral class" to download the latest version

研究生發表論文表 (word)(ODF) Graduate students published theses tables

8.[舉辦學位考試]  Final Degree examination

 學位考試注意事項/確認回條 (word)(ODF)(請於舉行考試1週前回覆)
   Degree examination notes/acknowledgement (Please reply at least 1 week before the defense)

學位考試公告 (word)(ODF)(請於舉行考試至少1週前印出至系辦蓋章後自行張貼)
   Degree examination announcement (Please post it at least 1 week prior to your defense and post by yourself)

學位考試口委評分表 (word)(ODFDegree examination score sheet

學位考試結果通知書 (word)(ODF):請到「教務處/註冊組/申請表格/碩博士班」下載最新版
   Degree examination result notice: "the Dean's Office/registration/application form for master's/doctoral class" to download the latest version

 學位考試中文審定書 (word)(ODF):請到「教務處/註冊組/申請表格/碩博士班」下載最新版
   Degree examination Chinese approval form: "the Dean's Office/registration/application form for master's/doctoral class" to download the latest version

學位考試英文審定書 (word)(ODF):請到「教務處/註冊組/申請表格/碩博士班」下載最新版
   Degree examination English approval form: Please download the last version from the “Office of Academic Affairs/ Student Enrollment/ application form / Master and PhD”

學位考試指導教授費收據 (word)(ODF):若為單一指導教授請用指導教授收據
   Degree examination advisor fee reception : Please use advisor fee reception if it is single advisor

學位考試指導教授費收據(共同指導) (word)(ODF):若為共同指導請用共同指導教授收據
   Degree examination co-advisor fee reception : Please use co-advisor fee reception if it is co-advisor
 學位考試指導教授口試費收據 (word)(ODF)
   Degree examination committee member reception for advisor
 學位考試其他口委口試費收據(校內外口委) (word)(ODF)
   Degree examination committee member reception

 學位考試校外口委車馬費收據-台中市 (word)(ODF)
  Degree examination off-campus committee member transportation expenses reception-Taichung city
 學位考試校外口委車馬費收據-外縣市 (word)(ODF)
  Degree examination off-campus committee member transportation expenses reception-other city
 學位考試論文授權書 (word)(ODF)
  Thesis authorization
※ 論文格式特別提醒事項  請到「教務處/註冊組/申請表格/碩博士班」下載最新版
   Thesis format reminders : "the Dean's Office/registration/application form for master's/doctoral class" to download the latest version

   AE Thesis Format and Examples
   Mater / PhD thesis format standard: "the Dean's Office/registration/application form for master's/doctoral class" to download the latest version

9.[論文修訂] Thesis revised

 論文修訂表 (word)(ODF) Thesis revised form

   After the completion of the revised thesis-> sent to the department office -> approved by chairman -> upload thesis to the library -> process graduation procedure

 朝陽科技大學無違反學術倫理聲明書 (word)(ODF) Academic Research Ethics Education


   Proposal defense / Degree examination related schedule (Please consult the graduate school freshman guide)

論文題目(含摘要)審查 開學後一個月內 開學後一個月內
論文計畫書審查申請 期中考後兩週內 期中考後兩週內
舉辦Seminar 由系辦統一安排時間 由系辦統一安排時間
論文計畫書審查 期末考週前舉辦 期末考週前舉辦
學位考試申請期限 12/31 6/30
舉辦學位考試期限 1/31 7/31
論文上傳期限 2/28 8/31
Title Last semester Next semester
Thesis Proposal Title and Abstract In one month after new semester starts In one month after new semester starts
Proposal defense application In two weeks after mid-term exam In two weeks after mid-term exam
Seminar holding Department office will arrange the schedule uniformly Department office will arrange the schedule uniformly
Proposal defense Proposal defense will be held before final exam Proposal defense will be held before final exam
The deadline of Degree examination application December 31 June 30
The deadline of Degree examination January 31 July 31
The dead line of uploading thesis February 28 August 31



