

姓名 / 職稱


蘇綉惠 副教授

Hsiu-Hui Su (Associate Professor)

學 歷

英國赫爾大學 英語教育博士

Hull University, Ed.D (Hull, UK)



Teaching English as a Second Language/ Foreign Language

English for Specific Purposes

Qualitative Research




Teacher Blog






期刊論文 Journal Paper

李金玲、蘇綉惠 (2009) 英語分級教學成效分析─以中區某科技大學為例。新竹教育大學人文社會學報 2-1, 233-253

蘇綉惠、林翠英(2008)大一英語能力安置測驗之實施成效探討─以某科技大學為例。朝陽人文社會學刊6-1, 221-242

研討會論文 Conference Paper

Su, H. H. & Wung, C. Y. (2012) Current Situation of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Curriculum at Chaoyang University of Technology (CUYT)- A Pilot Study. In 2012 The Proceedings of International Symposium on Education and Psychology (p.443-457). ISSN 2226-6275.

Su, H.H..& Fan, C.W. (2010). Using Action Researh in Remedial Program to Investigate the Motivation and Beliefs of English Under-achievers with Particular Reference to the Freshmen of chaoyang University of Technology. In 2010 The Proceedings of the Seventh OCU Conference on Applied English Teaching. (pp.83-100). Taipei: Crane.

Su, H.H. (2005). 專技英文在臺灣高等技職教育的發展-以應用外語科/系為例 [The Development of ESP in Technological and Vocational Higher Education, Taiwan, with Particular Reference to the Department of Applied Foreign Languages]. In 2005國際應用英語教學研討會論文集(pp.349-355). Taipei: Crane.

Su, H. H. (2004). English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Four Technological and Vocational Higher Education Institutions in Taiwan, with Particular Reference to the Department of Applied Foreign Languages. Unpublished doctoral Thesis, University of Hull, UK.


Conference Presentations

Su. H.H. (2013, August). The Remedial Program for English Underachievers-The Cornerstone Project. Paper presented at the 2013 The Clute Institute International Academic Conference. Breckenridge, Colorado, USA.

Su, H.H. (2012, September). Bridging the Gap between EGP and EMP- Collaborative Project between the University and Hospital. Paper presented at The 8th International Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) Seminar. Universiti Teknogogi Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Su, H.H. (2011, November) 專業英語教師的自我訓練:藉由產學合作的模式。Paper presented at 2011海峽兩岸應用性(技術與職業)高等教育學術研討會」。上海第二工業大學,中國。

Su, H.H. (2011, October) The Cornerstone Project – the Remedial Program for English Under-achievers at CYUT. Paper presented at The Fifth Conference on College English, National Chengchi University, Taipei.

Su, H.H. (2010, November) English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in Technological and Vocational Higher Education in Taiwan. Paper presented at the 2010 Joint International Conference on Quality Assurance in Higher Education, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taiwan.


2013-2014 (102-103) 教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫- T2-3-2子計畫「提升學生外語能力」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2011-2012 (100-101) 教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫- S2-2-2子計畫「永續耕耘外語教學園地」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2009-2010 (98-99) 教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫- D3-1-2子計畫「永續耕耘外語教學園地」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2008 (97) 教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫─A4子計畫「全方位外語教學與自主學習」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2007 (96) 教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫─P4子計畫「加強外語學習及環境建置」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2006 (95) 教育部獎勵大學教學卓越計畫─T4子計畫「強化英語學習及設立外語中心」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2009 (98) 教育部技專院校提升學生外語能力專案計畫「全方位外語精進計畫」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2008 (97) 教育部技專院校提升學生外語能力專案計畫「建置多元外語學習環境」成果暨管考報告,朝陽科技大學。

2005 (94) 教育部技專院校提升學生外語能力專案計畫「觀光旅遊外語能力提升計畫─E化多元語言學習平台暨數位語言教材、 課程發展計畫」成果暨管考報告,台灣觀光學院。